Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Aquabot Viva - The Most Advanced Robotic Pool Cleaner

So, has this question ever come to your mind that how will you change the robotic pool cleaner trick forever?  I know you are definitely searching for an answer. The Aquabot Viva pool cleaner is one such product that reflects the robotic pool cleaner capability with high efficiency to clean swimming pools. This goes far beyond what we expect. Its ability to clean up inside the ground and above ground pool comes with a powerful 24-volt motor to do more task with less effort.

viva robotic pool cleaners
The Aquabot Viva Aqua Smart has the ability to clean up an area of residential pools to the extent of 120 m2. It comes with two advanced address carbon motors and a filtration pump which work at 12 volts. The product is designed with advanced technology to sweep, suck as well as to filter out all dirt and algae from the inside by collecting them in an inner bag. Though the Viva is designed to work as an automatic cleaning process, one can still use its Remote Control to clean dirt located in remote areas. Its ability to offer users an automatic programmable cleaning feature in short time duration has made the product highly renowned across the country.

ü  Detects any obstacle automatically: One needs to activate this mode which will detect users when to change direction if an issue is found in the pool.  The cleaner is efficiently programmed to move around the obstacle while continuing its cycling process. If this fails, the pool cleaner will embrace its security mode naturally. 
ü  Selection of pool shape: Though cleaning part will vary from one pool shape to another but, users will get to apply with three pool shapes.  They can easily choose the one which is closest to their pool. Pool cleanliness of Aquabot Viva pool cleaners is here highly optimized in nature. 
ü  Gyro system: The Viva Aquabot is designed with intelligent navigation process known as "Gyro". Users have this ability to adjust the cleaner's trajectory depending on the pool’s configuration and size. This is possible with the help of precise directional control system attached in the product. 

Bottom Line

A sparkling clean swimming pool is a necessary option for every user, especially during summers. But, this calls for hard work, dedication and a worthy investment that is only found in a quality robotic cleaner. So, the Viva pool cleaner here sets an example as compared to other pool cleaners due to its user-friendly, convenient and cost-effective features in the long-run.  They are highly eco-friendly. At the time of choosing, it is to be ensured that the product has a smart navigation system, long warranty period and short cleaning cycle.

1 comment:

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